

探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个主要的经验,以启动你的未来利用 市场营销专业指南

有市场营销学位, you’ll learn the fundamentals of promoting a message or product — 和 you’ll get an edge by focusing on the industry’s shift to digital.

Get a solid foundation in business principles 和 take courses that focus on marketing research 和 analytics, 电子商务和社交媒体营销. Your courses will teach you the practical skills employers are looking for: content creation, 转化率优化, 社交媒体营销和数据分析. These skills translate directly to the requirements of marketing jobs — you’ll even take on projects like creating a social media marketing plan for a real-life client, 为公司或非营利组织制定并实施营销计划.

你的教授会很有经验, industry-recognized marketers who will help you connect with internships 和 employers in Austin, 经济蓬勃发展,科技蓬勃发展. And you’ll have the chance to earn certifications in employer-preferred marketing technologies like Hootsuite, HubSpot的入站, 谷歌广告, 谷歌分析, Marketo和Salesforce. 当你毕业时, you’ll have the practical experience to help any organization share its message 和 measure its impact.


完成市场营销学士学位和硕士学位(MBA) 我们的目标是在五年内获得两个学位.

成功的教练学术顾问 指导学生完成本科和研究生课程,使学生受益最大化.


市场营销专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 戴尔的初级项目经理
  • 奥斯汀数字营销机构Adlucent的数字营销专家
  • 市场营销 specialist for EBQ, an outsourced sales 和 marketing organization in Austin
  • 丰田音乐公司的推广协调员
  • Blucora的产品管理总监
  • 高德纳公司的客户经理专员

所有St的学生. 爱德华大学的学生都可以报名参加 数字营销该公司专注于数字认证和营销指标.


阿什利·罗斯·沃特斯,市场营销专业的学生,是圣. 他将攻读博士学位.西北大学博士.  AshleyRose is already taking the necessary steps in order to achieve her goal by not only excelling in school, 还要积极参加课外活动. One of her many accolades is her Pierle Scholarship Program research where she is examining women's behavior using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to determine why women choose Pro-Life or Pro-Choice from past experiences that shaped their viewpoints. Furthermore, AshleyRose embodies the Holy Cross Tradition 和 mission of the University. She has worked on confronting the critical issues of society by working with underrepresented youth in STEM programs while also encouraging women/minorities to join STEM in hopes to make a beneficial impact on society. 


茱莉亚萨维德拉, Rebecca Terrazas 和 Gina Guidone (not pictured) presented their research from the 市场营销 Research class entitled "Fundraiser Influence Tactics 和 Donor Orientation: Finding the Right Match" at the 在国会大厦举行的德州本科生研究日.


作为市场营销专业的学生, 你将学习各种实用技能的课程,这些都是雇主在招聘时所看重的. 在课堂之外,你也有很多机会向专家学习, 网络, 并在实习中获得实践经验.


Your classes will teach you marketing theory 和 best practices – 和 then you’ll use what you’ve learned, 在这样的项目中:

  • 市场学原理, 学生做营销模拟作为体验式学习任务.
  • 在市场研究中, you’ll work with an Austin nonprofit as your client for a real-world research project.
  • 在买方行为中, you’ll gather your own data for a conjoint analysis 和 do a market segmentation project using cluster analysis.
  • 社交媒体营销, you’ll create a social media marketing plan for a real-life client 并获得社交媒体管理工具的认证.
  • 在市场营销 Metrics中,你将获得谷歌分析的认证.

Other classes will offer the opportunity to get certified in technologies like Hootsuite, HubSpot的入站, 谷歌广告, Marketo和Salesforce.

营销学副教授莫妮卡·埃尔南德斯的课上, students earn industry certifications in SEO 和 digital advertising measurement 和 gain real-life experience by participating in a global marketing competition that pairs students with nonprofit organizations.


教室外, you’ll get to learn from experts in the field at lectures on campus 和 meetups off campus. You’ll build relationships with your fellow students by developing your professional skills 和 having adventures together in Austin.

The Distinguished Marketer Speaker Series brings a prominent marketing professional to campus each semester to share insights about current topics like digital media, 设计原则, 品牌发展和社交媒体危机管理.

The Hilltop American 市场营销 Association hosts experts who keep students up to date about marketing challenges, 职业道德, 还有实地工作. Hilltop AMA has offered a resume workshop 和 professional headshots 和 cohosted a mixer at a downtown Austin marketing communications firm. 会员们在清晨的咖啡聊天会上与奥斯汀AMA分会见面. 学生们还会参加一些社交活动,比如室内攀岩, 在老式拱廊度过的夜晚, 还有一个手工派对,为一家老年护理中心的居民制作情人节礼物.

许多学生俱乐部和组织都有营销官, 沟通协调员或社交媒体经理. 这是另一个在课堂之外锻炼你的营销技巧的机会.